In March, my first 2 articles debuted in Self Reliance Illustrated’s Issue #19. It was quite an honor for me to be printed in this magazine.
Our family has been receiving these magazines from the day the 1st issue was printed. At the time I could have never in a million years, as the saying goes, have imagined that I would some day see my name displayed inside.
At that time, writing was in the back of my mind as a dream that maybe someday I would attain, but God was still playing with those ideas.
Yesterday, I received my copy of Self Reliance Illustrated Issue #20 which has 3 of my articles in print.
I am extremely excited about these articles:
- The Benefits of Salves and Tinctures
- Goodness and Benefits of Tea
- Homesteading and Survival with a Special Needs Child
Homesteading and Survival with a Special Needs Child holds a place near and dear to my heart and especially right now.
Our Mountain Boy is 17 1/2 right now and we just towed his 1st vehicle back to the wilderness, a 1951 Willy Jeep.
It will require a little TLC, but it is a GREAT 1st vehicle, one that myself and the Mountain Man are just a touch envious of!
In addition to this excitement, he also passed and received his Idaho Learner’s Permit. These are HUGE steps for our boy and honestly there were times early in his life that the thought crossed my mind that he may never be able to drive! It is amazing what faith, trust and perseverance can accomplish.
Never give up on anything in life, especially another person! The sky is the limit and determination can open doors.
Thanks for following our adventures and I highly encourage you to subscribe to Self Reliance Illustrated, not because I am a contributing writer, but because there are many other amazing contributors providing you with priceless information issue after issue!
Use the following link to enter our giveaway on our family website for a chance to win 1 of 5 copies of Self Reliance Illustrated Issue #19 which is featuring our Log Smoke House on the front cover.
Enter giveaway here:
Blessings to you all!
Tammy Trayer ♥ †
I have just read your article in the the ” American Frontiersman” on how to make a rifle sling out of parachute cord. This was a very good read and very informative.
In the photo of your husband ( Glen ) in this article what style and brand of hat is he wearing and also what brand and material is his shirt?
After I read this article , I went to your website videos on YouTube and watched some of those!
In the video of Glen`s moose hunt, the rifle he used looked like a Winchester Mod 70, is this correct?
And also what brand, type, and weight was the bullet that he used in this hunt?
Thanks for your time and attention to these inquiries!
Best Regards,
Sam Holt
P.S. I am still reading a lot of your other articles, keep up the good work!!
Hi Sam,
Sorry for my delay in responding. Thank you SO very much for your kind words. I am very grateful that you are finding worth in mine and my families materials!! It means a lot! The hat Glen is wearing is a Bailey’s and he formed that himself. The wool jacket is from If you visit them, be sure to let Rob Tiberio know that Tammy sent you! He does fine work and his garments are all made in the USA!!
The gun is a Remington 700 30-06 and Glen reloads his own bullets, for that hunt he used 165 grain boat tail spitzers.
Hope this helps and we were really glad to hear from you. Be sure to join our newsletter on our family site at We have a lot going on, classes coming up, books getting published and always some form of an adventure taking place. 🙂
Blessings to you and yours,